Saturday, December 27, 2008

Good Christmas! Bad Luck...

As we all know, Christmas is over, well, for Australia for what I know, sadly... I had a GREAT christmas, because I got... dan dan dan dan dan dan daaaaaaaaaa! A CP TOY! I also got, the Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force, Nintendo DS Game, and a CP Puffle. I got two codes, one, for the Elite Penguin Force, and one, for the Treasure book, I've kinda lost the coin for now, its somewhere on the computer table, but... we can't find it for now... sadly, but, I am now an OFFICIAL member of the EPF, Elite Penguin Force, I've completed every level on my Nintendo DS, so yeah, the easiest levels for me were, the first and last, kool levels they were. The bad luck was that I think either Christmas Eve or the day before Christmas Eve there was a Lightning Storm, it hit close to our house, knocking a tree down, it was far away though, near the gate (we have 100 acres) and the Modem was effected, which controls the internet, no modem, no internet, so, we didn't have the internet for DAYS! yeah... but if you need help on any of the levels for the EPF game (nintendo ds) ask me. Also, The EPF room, when you click on the big screen, it changes channel, just like a TV in your igloo. Kool huh? The toys I got, were the Bumble Bee Penguin, and the Yellow Puffle.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Party Cheats!

The Christmas Party is FINALLY here!
Here are the cheats:
Santa hats at the Snow Fort
Santa Beards at the Ski Village
Pin at the Ski Lodge

Also, the Ice Rink is back! but they have replaced the Soccer Pitch with it, you know what that means... its now the Hockey Season! So if your a non-member, and feel like playing soccer, too bad, sorry... if your a member, buy the uniform and ball.
Hope you enjoy the party!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Boxes and Snowman!

Lol, have you checked out the Crows Nest on the Migrator! Theres a personal Snowman of RH! lol! And, there are LOADS of boxes round CP, there at the Cove, Town and Ski Village! Check 'em out!

RH's Christmas Treasure Hunt Cheat!

Hey people!
I was playin Treasure Hunt the Christmas Version, and I got an Ornament, a green Christmas Tree Ornament, and it came up with something sayin 'Bonus Ornament! +100 points bonus!' so if you see a bit of green, with a white christmas tree in the middle, that takes up 4 of the squares, DEFINETLY go for it!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


A few days ago, I emailed Club Pengun Fanmail about a Movie Theater Idea... They emailed me back and said 'A movie theater in Club Penguin would be Super Cool! Where do you think we should have the Movie Theater, and should we have a new movie every month?'
I emailed them back saying 'In the Dock, theres a path to the Town, and a path going nowhere above it, how about a new room, above the Town, then there could be a big thing like the Stage but not the same, like when you walk to the door, you go inside, and inside could have lots of seats, then the big movie screen, a bit like the Lighthouse on the Halloween Party 2008...'
They emailed me back and said 'It looks like you have put alot of thought into your movie theater idea, we will bring it up at our next Club Penguin Ideas meeting'
So don't be surprised if you hear anything in the Penguin Times about a special Movie Theater coming in 2009... wink wink... ;-)

Christmas Party Sneak!

Well? Waddoya think? can you wait for the Christmas Party? I don't think ANYONE can!!!!!!!
Waddoya think we'll do in the 'Workshop'?

Hmmm... I think, there will be a HUGE machine, were you pull a lever, and it makes toys, or, we will get a free apron, and when we dance with it only, we make a toy... maybe... i dunno...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Party, Coins for Change and Rockhopper!

Hey! I went on Mimo777's blog today, and he/her said, that Rockhopper and Coins for Change are coming on the 12th, so, keep an eye out! The Christmas Party is on the 19th, so if you finish school on that day like me, then... HALLALOOYA!!!!!!!!! Check out the Whats New Blog, Billy Bob posted it on the 8th, so... yeah... the Coffee Shop looks great!! Well... from what I can see... this is my FIRST year on Club Penguin... so yeah... keep an eye out... ;-)
(no pictures, sorry)

Saturday, December 6, 2008


YOU HAVE GOT CHECK OUT MIMO'S BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HES DISCOVERED SOMETHING I NEVER WOULD HAVE DISCOVERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I don't mind if you leave my blog) link to Mimo's blog down the bottom.

Rockhopper's Return guess'

Well, today I looked through the Telescope, hoping to see Rockhopper's ship closer... and it was!
My guess on his return would have to be... next week, probably Friday, Saturday or Sunday, or, sometime the week after that, either, the 12th, the 13th, or, the 14th of December or maybe the 19th of December, doubt it though...
(no pictures)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Billy Bob???

Could this unusual penguin be Billy Bob wearing the latest style???
(I cant put the pic on here but heres the link)

New Pin! December 2008!

The new pin for 2008 December is located in the Pet Shop!

New Catalogue for December!

Well! Here they are!!!

To get the Yellow Scarf, click these lights!
To get the Russian Hat, click the tree top!

To get the Red Viking Helmet, click the eyes of the red penguin!
Sneaky: Open and close this 4 times to get the Blue Viking Helmet!

To get the Red Hoodie, click the Lighthouse!

Rockhopoper's comin back in time for Christmas!

Rockhopper's comin back in time for the upcoming Christmas Party!!!

Uhh, is it just me, or is the edge of the Migrator Green???

Oh Kay... interesting...